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Who is Voice of the people lobby Group

A large cross section of  Australian’s, who are Concerned about the direction Australia is heading, with poor economic and social outcomes of policy made by our Federal and State Governments, Coalition and Greens.  And the declining Values of those Ministers who are trusted with positions of Political Power.

Our Agenda

To Provide you with  some facts of how the 3 tears of Government  operate with hidden agenda’s manipulations and deals that lack of Integrity,  Honesty , accountability,  with multi- national corporations, and breaches of the constitution. Including the role of the Australian Media reporting.

Who are our Group and Affiliates

They consist of Former high court judge, several senior customs officers, Senior Aust Federal Police officer, Consultant in political affairs and the constitution, Engineers and Trade consultants and International freelance journalist.

Statement of Fact 

We have no affiliation with any of the major political parties 1st/2nd/3rd tears of government. We will support any Politician who genuinely and actively pursues policy, In the best interest’s of all Australian’s as a first priority. We are totally Independent and do not accept donations from Political parties, Business or Corporations.











The Synopsis Of 40 Years Plus Of Political White Anting Of Australia