We will highlight, the lowlights of our major political parties, and how they reduced us from one of the world’s leading producers and manufacturers, to where our “beloved Australia” is now.

1975. Whitlam’s Labor Govt. betrayed us, by signing the “Lima Declaration” in which became the forerunner to destroy our manufacturing and agricultural industries. 1976. Malcolm Fraser’s Liberal-Country Party Coalition which later became the Nationals, their treasure, John Howard legislated, what is known as the “Oil Parity Pricing Rort: which gave the Multi-National Petroleum Companies, self-regulation. 1984. The Hawke – Keating Labor Govt. was responsible for introducing the “Tariff Classification Orders.” The “Messiah” of the working class, through legislating this bill, created up to at least 100,00 Australians joining the unemployment line, whilst Australia’s Manufacturing Industries moved off-shore, or closed down before they were bankrupted.

If that wasn’t bad enough Labor’s Treasurer Paul Keating introduced a bi-annual excise (tax) on Alcohol, Tobacco and Petrol.

This the Labor Party, that consistently alleged, they are the Govt. who are protecting Australia’s “battlers.”

After becoming Prime Minister, Paul Keating sold the “People’s Bank” the Commonwealth without a mandate. This gifted the power to the “Big Banks,” to self regulate.

The Howard Liberal-National Coalition Govt. sold the Australian community owned Telecommucation’s company Telstra, without a mandate. The Howard Govt.’s Treasurer, Peter Costello put the money from the Telstra sale, into a Futures Fund.

According to Australia’s Mainstream Media, Mr. Costello was Australia’s greatest Treasurer was investing the Telstra sale money to cover the pensions for retiring politicians. We believe the Treasurer Peter Costello and his Govt. would be better off investing the profits of the Telstra sale, by building dams and introducing pipelines to move the harvesting of water to the areas where regular drought conditions occur.

2006. Where Prime Minister John Howard appointed his friend Terence Cole QC to be the Commissioner of the Royal Commissioner into the Australian Wheat Board (AWB) “Oil for Food Scandal.” We find it a concern, that a Royal Commission is headed by a retired High Court Judge, or a sitting judge, not a Prime Minister’s friend, a “lawyer.”

2007. Labor’s Kevin Rudd wins the federal Election from the Howard Coalition.

Forgive us for being repetitive the outgoing Treasurer Costello left the Labor Govt. a surplus of budget of over $21 Billion. Why? Instead of hoarding taxpayers’ money Costello could have used the money to harvest water and build dams. The National Party must be extremely disliked by the Rural Voters for the failure by their elected representatives to challenge their Liberal Party partners, for ignoring the problems their Rural constituents are enduring.

2009. The leader of the Federal Liberal-National Coalition whilst in opposition Malcolm Turnbull lost his position in a party spill to Tony Abbott. This was due to Mr. Turnbull supporting Kevin Rudd, Penny Wong, Tim Flannery, Anthony Albanese, Julia Gillard, Greg Combet, Bill Shorten, Tony Bourke, Jason Clare and Professor Ross Garnaut who was an economist not a Climatologist, who are all guilty of supporting the far left-wing communist thinking organisation the United Nation’s giant Global-Warming and Climate Change HOAX.

If you have any doubts about our aforementioned allegations may we urge you to go to our Home Page and click onto “Copenhagen Summit.” This is the 181 page of the United Nation’s submission to the Copenhagen Summit in December 2009. In their submission the United Nations wanted the Australian Govt. to sell our country’s sovereignty and be part of the “New World Government,” a “One World Government.”

The following response to one of our senior executives from Prime Minister Tony Abbott, was dated 6 February 2014. Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 3 January 2014, to the Prime Minister regarding Voice of the People’s concerns. I have been asked to reply on the Prime Minister’s behalf.

You mention the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Australian-donated blood. The TPP is an important opportunity for all participating countries to boost job-creating trade and investment, and will further integrate Australia into the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region. The TPP the Government intends to exclude blood plasma fractionation services consistent with the approach it has taken in other Free Track Agreements. The government is committed to achieving outcomes which will benefit Australia.

We must congratulate the then Prime Minister Tony Abbott on two counts. One, that he never denied that blood plasma fractionation services was part of the agreement, and two Mr. Abbott never signed off on the Trans Pacific Partnership. And yet early this year with the backing of the Bill Shorten Labor Opposition, in the early part of 2018 Malcolm Turnbull did sign off on the TPP.

Furthermore in his response, Mr. Abbott said his Government intends to exclude blood plasma fractionation services consistent with the approach it has taken in other Free Trade Agreements.

Mr Abbott may not have known, but Foreign Affairs Correspondent Mark Forbes on January 24, 2004, in his report on the Australia-United States-Free Trade Agreement, Mark said, Acting Prime Minister John Anderson has said it would be un-Australian to accept any free trade agreement deal without sugar being included. “I cannot see how Australia can agree to a free trade agreement that did not include a fair and reasonable approach to sugar,” Mr. Anderson said.

Trade Minister Mark Vaile supported his National Party colleague in saying, he could not give a watertight guarantee that negotiations would not end in stalemate, but there was a better-than-even chance the agreement would be struck.

“We’ve sought to do comprehensive deal across all sectors – including agriculture, including sugar – and we’ve said that sugar must be part of the deal and we’re not conceding that,” he said.

“If this deal is not good enough for the Australian economy, that is if we’re being asked to pay too much for what we’re getting in return, then we’ve always reserved right to walk away from this and not to the deal.”

One week after Mark Forbes interview, the National Party Leader and Acting Prime Minister, John Anderson and his National Party colleague and Federal Trade Minister, Mark Vaile signed the free Trade Agreement with the United States excluding Australian sugar.

In closing we urge all Australian voters to make your vote count.

For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we can’t afford to vote for the Australian Labor Party (ALP), their far left-wing Communist Comrades, The Greens as well as the Liberal-National Party Coalition who want to support the Paris Accord on Climate Change.

We can assure you that the Paris Accord on Climate Change is the United Nation’s forerunner, for, “A New World Order” – “A One World Government.”

Have no fear if you read the United Nation’s submission to the Copenhagen Summit, they want Australia to be completely under their control